
The Underground Armada

Welcome to the Underground!

Everyday the news reports day to day events, supposedly fair and balanced. Unfortunately, if any of you have noticed, society is tearing itself apart. But being the helpful person that I am, I have decided to take it one step further and shred it to pieces. Luckily, the media has already started the job, I'm just here to sum it up for you all, and try to find the reasoning behind it. This is not as easy of a task as it sounds, as stupidity has become an epidemic in our culture.

Bearing in mind that it's hard to know why stupid people do stupid things, I am asking you all to help me with this task and throw in your own ideas. If you do have a story and a thoughtful explanation, feel free to e-mail it to me so I can post it on here. Include your info that you want me to show so that i can give thanks. Maybe with enough smart ideas, we can crack the mystery of stupid. So for all of you who are willing to help , stay smart, and get ready to rock the world!

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