
Corn ???

Recently, our school was serving its normal brand of generic crap when I noticed that they were selling what they called "Mini Corn Dogs".

So I start thinking like an American, "Isn't there a faster way of saying this???" (I bet you thought I was going to make a fat joke)

After a few minutes of thought I decided a much better name would be Corn Puppies, short sweet and to the point. Not only that, but I think "Corn Puppies" sounds cute, and fresh as opposed to "Mini Corn Dogs" that have grown up and become stale. This went through much debate at my table, but we could not decide so we thought the best way was to take a poll.

This is where you guys come in, "Mini Corn Dogs" or "Corn Puppies"?

If we can get enough people in on this I'm sure it will come up in a Presidential debate.

I can see it now..."So Mrs. Clinton what is your stance on the Corn Dog issue?"

"Well, I think we should waste as much time, money, and energy as possible coming up with a solution to this problem as those are the kind of values we Democrats stand for."

"And you Mr. Obama?"

"I think Mrs, Clinton makes a great point but I have to point out that I am all for change, and I think that Corn Puppies is a wonderful idea. I also think that the American people would be grateful if we could make every Thursday "Corn Puppy Day" just think of the benefits..."

"And now onto global warming..."

So be sure to make your voice heard, I'm sure that politicians could use one more useless thing to argue about on Capital Hill.
Well I'm out like a fat kid playing dodgeball, I'll be sure to post more of my groundbreaking events from my luch table tomorrow.

Corn Puppies 4 Life!!!

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